Thursday, October 15, 2009

The rain is gone and here come the Cal Bears

The rains have finished, the air is clean and everything is green. And we are all set for a warm weekend and more UCLA football. They are facing the Cal Berkeley Bears this Saturday at noon. If you plan on tailgating and have nothing to do on Saturday morning, Texas is playing Oklahoma at 9am, but you'll have to catch that one on TV. Being from the east coast and naturally an early-riser, I can't tell you how much I love morning football; the earlier the better.

We are all set for a busy weekend here at the hotel. Our staff knows exactly when the games occur and start asking at the beginning of the week. A full hotel is a happy hotel.

On the homeowner side, I discovered a leak in my skylight with the recent rain. Unfortunately, this is not one of those projects that can be placed on the backburner, so I'll have to get it taken care of this weekend or early next week. These things happen, but on to the project at hand.

The structure for the cat tree is all complete and ready for the carpet to be put on . And as I mentioned, this thing could probably hold up a Buick, so its very structurally sound. Everything was designed 'playing it by ear', utilizing some scrap wood and things that I had around the house from other projects; some that were finished and others that were not. I've put 3 shelves on the structure and reinforced with 2 x 4's EVERYWHERE. I've not had the pleasure of working with carpet or a hot glue gun, but that project is set for this Saturday, where hopefully I'll have it all complete, and post a picture of the finished project.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the weekend.

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